Sunday, March 13, 2011

Me and my Sounds

This is documentary allows you to witness an emotional conversation between me and my clarinet. I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I suppose there is no text book out there about parenting. I look at my life and how my mother raised both my brother and me and I feel that she did an incredible job.

In fact I feel she did a 'too' good job and I am worried about my future with my family. There seems to be a lot of growing up when parenting in a short amount of time. There seems to be some improvising and last minute decisions that nee ed to be made.

As I write this I start to think about theatre. Yes, I am an actor. Well, going back to my point; like theatre parent takes loads of courage and stamina. When things are getting tough, you need to put on that make up of wisdom and fake it 'til you make it.

Ok that was crap insight but as I start to look back in my life, the last 21 years of course, I realise how tough it was for my mother. I begin to think whether I will be able to take in all the hard work and troubles that takes to make a good family and raise good children.

Perhaps I should have some faith in me and that faith in God that He will make things smoother and more fruitful.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Arvo Part - "Spiegel im Spiegel'

Moving to other spaces

The music of Arvo Part has made me a calmer person lately. I have been surrounded with so much pressure around me and I feel I will burst out soon and become toxic to everyone. Al right, that sounded more dramatic than I imaged but I do feel that I have been under a lot of strain. Yet I turned to the pages of music and I feel at peace.

I have been to interviews lately and I feel that I am not ready for this big bad world. A part of me wants to go back home and be under the shelter of my mother and gran. To be close to the people who love and care for me. People who I feel bring peace and tranquillity in my soul.

But I suppose the world out there is as bad as I make it to be. I need to wear my suite of courage and take bold steps to success.

In Xhosa, my name means success and I need to take ownership of it.

I am 21 and stepping into the world of adulthood and I suppose my first few steps will be wobbly but I must trust myself to carry on marching and going towards my destiny and that being success.